Smile Sponsors: Supporting Oral Health

​As a non-profit, Piedmont ​Regional Dental Clinic​ relies on the generosity of local donors, businesses, municipalities, and foundations to provide affordable, high-quality dental care for low-income children and adults. Together, we can be sure that everyone in our community​ has access to the care they need to maintain a healthy smile.​ Please consider giving the gift of a smile! We invite you to ​make a gift today.

Thank you to our valued supporters. Because of you, children and adults in our region have access to high-quality dental care at rates they can afford. You make us smile!

Our Funding Partners

Yearly Donors and Supporters

America's Toothfairy

Ms. Debbie Bennett

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell H. Bernstein

Mr. Paul M. Boggs

Dr. and Mrs. Brevard Wallace, III

Ms. Jeanne Bruton

Dr. Shannon Butler

Culpeper ‘92 Lions Club

Culpeper Baptist Church

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dalrymple

Ms. Donna De Angelis

Mr. Richard Delio

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Durrer

Emmanuel Episcopal Church

Mr. Leonard W. Gingras

Mr. and Mrs. Porter Goss

Greene County

Mr. Stephen E. Grill

Mr. Ross Grossman

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hack

Ms. Stephanie Hiatt

Ms. Christine Inscoe

Mr. David Jones

Lake of the Woods Lioness Lions Club

Laila Rose Foundation

Ms. Shari J. Landry

Mason Insurance Agency, Inc.

Mountain View Nursing Home

Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall

Ms. Wendy L. Oien

Mr. John Pandiscio

Ms. Teresa A. Pendleton

Mr. C. Richard Powers

Ms. Celene Pumphrey

Mr. Henry Purcell, Jr.

Mr. Richard J. Rappoport

Dr. Thomas Reynolds

St. Thomas Episcopal Church

Dr. Charles Stein

Dr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson, Jr.

Town of Gordonsville

Town of Orange

UVA Culpeper Medical Center

Ms. Tina Wade

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker

Ms. Carlene Wilson

Mrs. Brandi Warfiled

Mr. Mark Watlock

Mrs. Octavia Yates

Ms. Lynn Young